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South Florida residents who visit a plastic surgery specialist are often satisfied with the results. South Florida's plastic surgeons provide a variety of services. Whether it is a breast implant, a liposuction or a facelift, most people are satisfied with their results. Some people, however, do make serious mistakes which can lead to negative outcomes. Here are a few things to remember:

1. Ask questions and do some research about your plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask questions and confirm that your South Florida surgeon is certified through the American Board of Plastic Surgery. The ABPS requires its members to adhere to very high standards. Statistically speaking, ABPS member surgeons also have fewer complications. You should discuss with your South Florida potential plastic surgeon what you would like to have done. Also, ask about their education, experience and certification. The majority of plastic surgeons will be happy to answer your questions, unless they're hiding something.

2. Be ready to adapt. You must maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet if you want to achieve the desired results from a South Florida Plastic Surgeon.

3. Avoid having unrealistic expectations. Plastic surgery may improve your appearance, but it won't make you look exactly like a Hollywood star or a Hollywood model. A couple of teenaged boys wanted to look like Brad Pitt. Of course, the results were not successful. It is important to accept our own unique features and make the most of them, instead of trying to imitate others.

4. Be realistic. Exercise and diet are the best way to maintain your fitness and improve your looks. After a liposuction or tummy tuck, you will gain weight.

5. It is important to think it through. Be sure to consider the long term effects of plastic surgery before making a decision. Do not just act on impulse. You should be open to discussing your decision with a South Florida cosmetic surgeon.

6. You should not withhold any information about your medical history from your South Florida surgeon for fear that they will deny the procedure. Hiding potential risk factors may lead to serious surgical complications for which you are solely responsible.